ANEKORAMA 2016 - page 13

Γεννήθηκε χάρη στην
ακούραστη συλλογή κειµηλίων
από τον σκηνογράφο Γιώργο
Ανεµογιάννη, γείτονα και
µακρινό συγγενή του πατέρα του
Νίκου Καζαντζάκη, του καπετάν
Μιχάλη. Αρχικά στεγαζόταν στο
πατρικό των Ανεµογιαννέων,
στην πλατεία Μυρτιάς, και
σήµερα έχει αντικατασταθεί,
στο ίδιο σηµείο, από
ένα σύγχρονο διώροφο
µινιµαλιστικής αισθητικής.
IN 1983,
here, in Myrtia, about
15 km far from Heraklion, Me-
lina Mercouri inaugurated Ka-
zantzakis Museum and, every
year, thousands of visitors flock
here to know better the poet, tra-
veler, journalist, playwright, au-
thor of books like Zorba the
Greek and The Last Temptation
of Christ and, above all, philoso-
pher. They come into contact with
the writer whose works have been
translated to more languages than
any other Greek writer, through
rare audiovisual material, per-
sonal items (his pipe, his glasses,
his watch), manuscripts, first edi-
tions of books, photos, his corre-
spondence with other intellectu-
als of his time (Einstein, Camus,
Mann, Sikelianos, Prevelakis),
busts, documents from his plays’
performances, press clippings etc.
Last year, the Museum inau-
gurated, an annual “Travelling”
festival, aiming to highlight Ka-
zantzakis’ travelling texts and the
first event continuing into this
year is dedicated to the country
he loved the most, after Crete. The
acquaintance with Kazantzakis’
Spain will occur through art,
prose, music, dance, and gastro-
nomy, from July 12 to 17, in
Myrtia and Heraklion.
It is housed in a modern minimalistic
two-story building; it was created with
souvenirs collected by stage designer
Yiorgos Anemogiannis, neighbor and
distant relative of Kazantzakis.
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